Items in the 'Adults only' Category
Fic: Preliminary findings
- Fandom: Sirens (UK, 2011)
- Characters: Ashley/Stuart
- Rating: Adults only (NC 17)
- Type: Character fiction, slash
- Summary: ‘So, Stuart, if it’s the other fella’s jizz that made you all virile, couldn’t you just…?’ Rachid says. ‘What are you looking at me for?’ Ashley says.
- Notes: 3515 words. A gift for janie_tangerine for Yuletide 2015. Based on Episode 2, ‘Two Man Race’, wherein Stuart’s impotence and low sperm count are temporarily cured, according to Stuart, by exposure to the sperm of the boyfriend of the cheating woman he’s inadvertently seeing. I'm not sure a reasonable person would have reached the same conclusion, but this is Stuart. :)
- Related links: Ebook download available from (and originally posted at) <a href="">AO3 version</a>.
Fic: The reign of Lodbrok
- Fandom: Thor (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
- Characters: Thor/Loki
- Rating: Adults only (NC 17)
- Type: Character fiction, slash
- Summary: Grieving the death of Frigga and what he believes to be the death of Loki, Thor meets the only creature alive with a poorer grasp of sportsmanship than his brother: a small, black cat.
- Notes: Wordcount: 11879 words. Set at the end of <em>Thor: The Dark World</em>. Thor has refused the throne, but remains in Asgard. Contains violence, ambiguous intimacy with a cat, abuse of Westermarck effect, and imperfect negotiation of consent. Many thanks to GloriaMundi for beta-reading and egging on.
- Related links: To read a version split into chapters, or access an ebook download, please visit <a href="">AO3 version</a>.
Fic: The Apprentice – Part 1 of 4
- Fandom: The Hobbit (Movie)
- Characters: Thorin/Original Male Character; also featuring Thorin/Original Female Character and Fili and Kili
- Rating: Adults only (NC-17)
- Type: Character fiction, slash
- Summary: Thorin has taken work in a town of Men in a stony river valley, and must make do with local talent. He did not expect to be quite so popular.
- Notes: Otherwise known as Bitter Smithing: A Novelette. With enormous thanks to Stewardess for beta-reading and general encouragement. <br /><br />For elegance, I eschew Tolkien’s custom of capitalising “man”, except where specifically discussing racial characteristics. Descriptions of medieval smithcraft herein should not be relied upon in the event of Sauron’s return. <br /><br />Other tags: Hurt/comfort, Size Difference, Age Difference, Virgin Thorin, Majestic Thorin, Competence Kink
- Related links: <a href="">Part 2</a> | <a href="">Part 3</a> | <a href="">Part 4</a> <br /><br />Read or download as one part on <a href="">AO3</a>.
Fic: Civilisation
- Fandom: Elementary
- Type: Character fiction, het
- Characters: Joan/Sherlock
- Rating: Adults only (NC-17)
- Summary: He stands very still, the body language of a person who is anxious about whether he is doing something right. (Established relationship vignette.)
- Notes: Contains incidental spoilers through S01E19. Thanks to Hope for beta. Edited 2 June 2013 because the first half of the last scene had somehow been deleted - argh. Now fixed.
- Related links: Also available on <a href="">AO3</a>, <a href="">DW</a> and <a href="">LJ</a>.
Fic: The asses
February 03rd, 2013 | Category: Adults only,Character fiction,Fan fiction,Gwaine/Percival/Arthur/Merlin,Gwaine/Percival/Merlin,Merlin,Slash
- Fandom: Merlin
- Characters: Gwaine/Percival/Merlin, Gwaine/Percival/Arthur/Merlin
- Type: Slash, character fiction
- Rating: Adults only (NC-17)
- Summary: Any day now Merlin is going to turn Percival and Gwaine into donkeys.
- Notes: Contains porn and eroticised bullying. With many thanks to <a href="">Vissy</a> for pushing me to make this better.
- Related links: Also on <a href="">AO3</a>.
Fic: Long exposure
January 07th, 2013 | Category: Adults only,Fan fiction,LOTR - Real Person,Real person fiction,Slash,Viggo/Orlando
- Fandom: Lord of the Rings - Real Person Fiction
- Type: Slash, real person fiction
- Characters: Viggo/Orlando
- Rating: Adults only (NC-17)
- Summary: He's been in Idaho, painting, since the start of fall, when the tamarack trees went golden.
- Notes: Contains mentions of RL spouses and children. A gift for Chaosmanor in the Lotrips SlashaBaby 2012 exchange. Thanks to Hope for beta reading.
- Related links: <a href="">Original post</a>. Also at <a href="">Archive of Our Own</a>.
Fic: The nephew
- Fandom: James Bond: Skyfall
- Characters: Bond/M
- Rating: Adults only (NC-17)
- Type: Character fiction, het
- Summary: A Bond/M fixit fic, post-Skyfall.
- Notes: Contains Skyfall spoilers and references to torture. Thanks heaps to <a href="">Hope</a> and <a href="">GloriaMundi</a> for beta.
- Related links: Also on <a href="">AO3</a>.
Fic: What happens in Cabramatta…
April 30th, 2012 | Category: Adults only,Arthur/Eames,Character fiction,Fan fiction,Het,Humour,Inception,Remix,Slash
- Fandom: Inception
- Characters: Arthur/Eames
- Rating: Adults only (NC-17)
- Type: Character fiction, slash
- Summary: Arthur and Eames got married for reasons of legal convenience. They have absolutely no romantic or sexual relationship. Except for that time in Sydney. They don’t talk about that time in Sydney.
- Related links: A remix of duckgirlie's <a href="">A Matter of Diminishing Convenience</a> for Remix 2012. Also available at <a href="">Archive of Our Own</a>.
- Notes: Contains sex, violence and genderbending. I apologise unreservedly for the Australian jokes in this. See end note for explanation if desired. Thanks to GloriaMundi for entertaining beta reading.
Fic: The once and future Kinglake
April 22nd, 2012 | Category: Adults only,Alternate Universe,Arthur/Merlin,Character fiction,Fan fiction,Humour,Merlin,Slash
- Fandom: Merlin
- Characters: Arthur/Merlin, Hunith
- Rating: Adults only (NC-17)
- Type: Character fiction, slash
- Related links: Belongs to the universe of <a href="">Four Seasons in One Day</a> by Hope. And also available on <a href="">AO3</a>.
Fic: Gwaine’s masterful, brilliant and fool-proof plan
October 03rd, 2011 | Category: Adults only,Character fiction,Fan fiction,Gwaine/Percival,Humour,Merlin,Podfic,Slash
- Fandom: Merlin
- Characters: Gwaine/Percival
- Summary: Forethought is for ponces, as far as Gwaine is concerned.
- Rating: Adults only (NC-17)
- Type: Character fiction, slash
- Notes: Spoilers: S04E01, an episode in which Gwaine eats, or schemes to eat, a number of things. With thanks to <a href="">hope</a> for beta-reading and general enablement and superintending.
- Related links: Awesomely, there is now <a href="">podfic available from anatsuno</a>.