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At various times, this site has been located at http://geocities.com/eyebrowofdoom/, http://eyebrowofdoom.dombillijah.com/, http://dombillijah.com/~eyebrowofdoom/ and http://rosiesamfrodo.com/~eyebrowofdoom/
Oh my!!oh my my!!This is one of the cutest,funniest,lovable fanfictions ever!Haha!The descriptions are perfectly Gwaine and so so hilarious!!loved it!
Haha, thank you! Gwaine is pretty great. I think at the end of the series he actually didn’t fall, he just got bored and wandered off for a beer.
OMG!!!! I love it! HAHAHAHAHA! Gwaine is just… YES! And Percival! OH!!!! Man it was beautiful! I just… UGH! And then me and my friend Bell were listening to Sexy Naughty Bitchy me at the same time as reading this. That much better! Thank you! Just… Thank you! ~Rea
As my dear friend, Reamir had said, Your work, BRILLIANT! Sad thing is, is that this story not only describes Gwaine and Percy perfectly, by myself and her as well. You can obviously tell who is who by this writing. Loved your story. ~Belinda
Hurrah, glad you guys had such a good time with this. Gwaine and Percy are pretty awesome.