- Characters: Aragorn/Legolas
- Fandom: Lord of the Rings
- Notes: Fourth Age, bookverse.
- Rating: General (PG)
- Summary: Legolas, upon his travels with Gimli, visits Minas Tirith for the midwinter Solstice.
- Type: Character fiction, slash, vignette
- openid_comments: a:1:{i:0;s:4:"4182";}
- Characters: Miranda/Viggo
- Fandom: Lord of the Rings - Real Person Fiction
- Rating: General audience (G)
- Summary: "Stand there and look like you love me."
- Type: Real person fiction, het
- Characters: Orlando/Elijah
- Fandom: Lord of the Rings - Real Person
- Rating: General Audience (PG)
- Summary: Orlando is starting to think there is something that is too much the same about Elijah half the time, like he's playing a loop of videotape out front and just wandering away for a while out back.
- Notes: Thanks to Lobelia for beta.
- Type: Real person fiction, slash
- Characters: Harry/Karl
- Fandom: Lord of the Rings - Real Person Fiction
- Notes: Not sure if I need to do this any more, but for the neophyte reader: Harry played Isildur, yeah? And everybody knows who Karl is now, I should hope. Before LOTR, they worked on a film called "The Price of Milk" together. "Simon the sound guy," as far as I know, doesn't exist.
- Rating: General audience (PG)
- Summary: When Harry came back from the bog, Karl was reading.
- Type: Real person fiction, slash.
- Fandom: Lord of the Rings - Real Person
- Rating: General audience (PG)
- Notes: Christmas fluff. I put it in the wash with the bath towels and everything.
- Summary: What does Dom really think of turkey? Is Elijah an annoying yuppy prat? And will he be turned into an abominable snowman?
- Type: Real person fiction, slash
- Characters: Viggo/Dom
- Fandom: Lord of the Rings - Real Person Fiction
- Rating: General audience (G)
- Summary: "Raised by wolves, Dom!" the voice on the phone, American, says.
- Notes: Drabble - precisely 100 words.
- Type: Real person fiction, slash, drabble
- Fandom: Lord of the Rings - Real Person Fiction
- Notes: Drabble - precisely 100 words.
- Summary: Events at an Italian Vogue photo shoot. Life as an elephant is clearly underrated.
- Rating: General audience (G)
- Type: Real person fiction, drabble.
- Characters: Orlando/Viggo, Orlando & others
- Fandom: Lord of the Rings - Real Person
- Rating: General Audience (PG)
- Summary: Orlando's shirts are so misunderstood.
- Type: Real person fiction, slash, humour
- Notes: A fic about the fashion choices for which Orlando was once famed.
- openid_comments: a:1:{i:0;s:4:"4415";}
- Characters: Boromir/Original Female Character
- Fandom: Lord of the Rings
- Rating: General (PG)
- Summary: A Catherine Sue. Why insert yourself, when you can insert your friends?
- Notes: Warning: only very nominally set in Middle Earth.
- Type: Character fiction, het, humour
- Related links: Now <a href="http://eyebrowofdoom.oscillating.net/fan-fiction/fic-the-romance-of-boromir-and-catherine-illustrated/">illustrated</a> - believe it or don't!