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Adapted by Eyebrow of Doom from the Theme fSpring by Fredrik Fahlstad , using brushes from Void, other freeware brushes and freeware font from dafont.com. Proudly powered by WordPress.
At various times, this site has been located at http://geocities.com/eyebrowofdoom/, http://eyebrowofdoom.dombillijah.com/, http://dombillijah.com/~eyebrowofdoom/ and http://rosiesamfrodo.com/~eyebrowofdoom/
(please use this one, stupid typo in the first)
Oh gosh I love this, the wording and presentation and all the lovely historical bits.
The contrast with the original is striking and very beautifully done.
Yay! Thank you. I was honestly never sure if anyone actually enjoyed this or if it was a bit weird, but worthily arcane.